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10 Employment Law Terms All Landscaping Business Owners Need To Be Aware Of

Most landscapers and those who own or run a landscaping company will rightly claim that they have enough on their plate regarding that business, rather than concern themselves with legal matters which are best left to lawyers. There is nothing wrong with that point of view, however, we would caveat it by saying it does no harm to be familiar with some legal terms that apply to running a landscaping business, and in particular, those relating to employment law.

We say that because the last thing any landscaping business needs is to find itself being taken to court, not through any nefarious actions, but due to ignorance of employment law, or one of the specific terms that relate to it. Bear in mind, in legal cases, whether they be civil or criminal, ignorance of the law is no defence, and that ignorance could be extremely costly if the court rules against you.

So, to take a small step towards ensuring you know key employment law terms, we have outlined ten of the most important below.

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5 Ways Australian Consumer Law Applies To Landscaper Businesses

Whilst to many landscapers, the world of plants, flowers, decking, and water features has little to do with the legal world of lawyers, courts, legislation, and judges, they meet when it comes to a landscaping business complying with Australian consumer law. In truth, every business must comply, so it is not only landscaping businesses that must adhere to them.

Before we go any further, we are not suggesting that the owners of landscaping businesses must become legal experts in consumer law. Still, they would certainly benefit by having some knowledge of it. However, the minimum you should do is seek advice from, and ultimately entrust your landscaping business’s legal matters to, a commercial lawyer.

That being said, we did mention that landscaping business owners should have some basic knowledge of consumer laws, so the landscaping professionals from Garden Spec have highlighted below some of the core elements of consumer law that can apply to landscapers.

Limitation Of Liability

A limitation of liability is essential for all businesses, including landscaping businesses, to protect themselves. Whilst you are obligated to put right any faults or failures that occur within your landscaping work, this is not open-ended. In other words, the client cannot demand you fix or rebuild something that they, or a member of their family, damaged due to their negligence, neglect, or misuse.

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All You Need To Know About Indonesian Law Regarding Bali Property Ownership

It is the dream of many Australians to live in Bali or to go a step further and run a business there too, such as renting out Bali villas to tourists. Whilst both of these ambitions are possible, they are also both subject to Indonesian laws regarding property and business ownership. To this end, if you are thinking about living or running a business in Bali, seeking local legal expertise is a must.

Much of that advice will understandably focus on Indonesian property laws as that is the laws that would be in play if you were considering property ownership in Bali. Let us highlight one huge and obvious hurdle and that is that as it stands, Indonesian law prevents foreigners from owning the freehold on property in Bali. As such, when you see or hear discussions about ‘owning’ Bali villas, there will be several caveats to that.

So, owning the freehold if you are not an Indonesian citizen is not possible under current laws, and so the question is, “What can you do?”. One option some entrepreneurs try is to use a nominee. A nominee is an Indonesian citizen into whose name the title for the freehold of the property is given. This is a highly risky procedure and there have been some investors who have seen that investment disappear either through nefarious activity by the nominee or a legal wrangle.

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